The North Dakota Grain Dealers Association will be sponsoring a grain grading school July 31st.The school will be held at the Gladstone Inn in Jamestown. The school will be conducted in a very practical manner, using actual samples of the various grain damages encountered at elevators. The instructors are licensed grain inspectors provided by Grain Inspection Inc.Proper use of grain grading equipment will be demonstrated and the focus will be on soybeans, corn, and wheat.Attendees will also work with identification of odors in grain, a problem becoming more prevalent as more grain continues to be stored in temporary structures.

The school will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude by 4:00 PM (lunch included). The cost for the school is $99/person for members and non-members. The cost includes training materials, training personnel time, breaks and lunch and each participant will receive a participation certificate. The size of the school is limited to 35 so early registration is encouraged.

Register online at or complete & return the registration form and your payment to the NDGDA office.

Both Classes have been filled. You can call the office to see if there are any spots that have opened up.

Thank you everyone for interest in this class.